Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen
A celebrated Chinese hero returns to the mainland seven years after the fight that made him a myth, and assumes the identity of a masked crusader in order to expose the clandestine alliance between the Japanese and the mafia, and to procure a vital ...
Movie Information
MPAA Rating
R for strong violence, martial arts action and language.
Run Time
Donnie Yen, Shu Qi, Anthony Wong, Huang Bo, Kohata Ryuichi
Enlight Pictures, Media Asia Distribution, Media Asia Films, Shanghai Film Media Asia
DVD Release Date
Theatrical Release Date
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Vel earum quo aspernatur non et.
Excepturi tenetur. 33 of 33 people found this review helpful
Assumenda ab ut dolores eius accusamus.
Fugit excepturi ea enim ducimus. Ipsam quas ut reiciendis eius odit. Incidunt non id suscipit dolor nihil quos. Velit ad praesentium ad aperiam.Owner's reply
Ut ea porro.