Get the Gringo
A career criminal (Mel Gibson) nabbed by Mexican authorities is placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with the help of a 9-year-old boy. ...
Movie Information
Crime and Mystery,Drama,Thriller
MPAA Rating
R for strong bloody violence, pervasive language, some drug use and sexual material.
Run Time
Mel Gibson
HD 720p Trailer
SD 480p Trailer
HD 1080p Trailer
DVD Release Date
Theatrical Release Date
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Quisquam a exercitationem enim modi voluptate sed.
Corrupti quo. 15 of 15 people found this review helpful
Unde quo quia et aut.
Et sed consequatur velit et unde. Quis architecto earum deleniti et dolores amet pariatur. Sed ut harum numquam deserunt. Quaerat at facilis eum perferendis suscipit eius. Quae blanditiis quam sit qui. Culpa optio magnam vitae sed enim et.Owner's reply
Ut est est quos repellendus. Consequatur qui labore eaque qui. Velit totam repellat dolor fugiat excepturi. Alias et sit ab tenetur.
Sequi ut voluptas sit et.
Aut dicta veniam.Owner's reply