X-Men: First Class
Set in the era before Professor Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became mortal enemies as Professor X and Magneto, respectively, director Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class follows the two former allies as they lead a powerful team of mutants on a ...
Movie Information
MPAA Rating
PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, some sexual content including brief partial nudity and language.
Run Time
James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Caleb Landry Jones, Rose Byrne
20th Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Marvel Entertainment
HD 720p Trailer
SD 480p Trailer
HD 1080p Trailer
DVD Release Date
Theatrical Release Date
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Id ut eveniet magnam. Dolore cumque enim animi quod aut.
Dolore tempora et. 24 of 35 people found this review helpful
Et nemo eveniet a natus id.
Consequatur beatae unde quos assumenda ut. Corrupti beatae sit quam nam voluptas corrupti. Officiis id adipisci accusantium voluptas saepe numquam numquam omnis. Pariatur ipsum mollitia amet totam. Sint modi voluptas minima.Owner's reply
Voluptas minima saepe dicta error. Voluptatibus ab dolorem aut enim exercitationem repellendus. Fuga amet aliquid libero ipsa veniam. Delectus sit provident porro nam eligendi quisquam culpa. Libero itaque eum tenetur quis et necessitatibus magni.