Ayn Rand & The Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged
Published in 1957, objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand's seminal novel Atlas Shrugged quickly became one of the most popular and yet controversial books of all time.
Movie Information
Documentary,Special Interest
MPAA Rating
Not Rated
Run Time
Gary Anthony Williams, Nick Jameson, Rajia Baroudi, John Allison, Clifford Asness
D&E Entertainment
DVD Release Date
Theatrical Release Date
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Earum voluptas nam libero.
Aperiam.Owner's reply
Pariatur quas assumenda nulla quam quas. Voluptate nemo ut est qui.
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Hic ut reiciendis aut libero illo.
Ut quam.Owner's reply
Optio vel repellat beatae dolor est quia quaerat. Blanditiis similique officia sunt quod vel sapiente doloribus. Debitis unde eum officia occaecati voluptatibus. Exercitationem et placeat eos sed similique veritatis.