Yagnesh Arjun

Winnie The Pooh (2011)

Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with 'Winnie the Pooh.' Featuring the timeless charm, wit and whimsy of the original featurettes, this all-new movie reunites audiences with the philosophical

Category Movies

New Zealand-based horror auteur David Blyth takes the helm for this dark tale of incest and mental illness with a shocking supernatural ...

Category Movies
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Praesent sollicitudin elit ut nisl mattis malesuada. In mattis, metus at consectetur dignissim, dolor risus semper leo, vel aliquam enim nunc nec odio. Fusce porttitor ultrices diam, a venenatis mauris luctus ac. Curabitur hendrerit est nibh. Cras eget te ...

Category Health

In 'Zookeeper,' the animals at the Franklin Park Zoo love their kindhearted caretaker, Griffin Keyes (Kevin James). Finding himself more comfortable with a lion than a lady, Griffin decides the only way to get a girl in his life is to leave the zoo ... ...

Category Movies