Roger Moore

Camp Nou, ,

Camp Nou is the home stadium of FC Barcelona since its completion in 1957. With a seating capacity of 99,354, it is the largest stadium in Spain and Europe, and the second largest association football stadium in the world in terms of capacity.

Category Barcelona
Captain Feedback

Captain Feedback is your assistant who facilitates quick and structured micro-feedback in your team. Amazing teams adopts team norms such as shared accountability, self-development, and open honest communication. Captain Feedback can help your team to hon ...

Category Apps
Casa Milà, ,

Casa Milà, popularly known as La Pedrera or "open quarry", a reference to its unconventional rough-hewn appearance, is a modernist building in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Category Barcelona

Comic legend Jonathan Winters stars in this mockumentary that begins with Winters, also a talented painter, being given his first art show. However, while deciding which pieces to hang for the show, his favorite creation is stolen, sending the ...

Category Movies
Charles Bridge, ,

Charles Bridge is an historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century.

Category Prague

'Chasing Madoff' is the compelling story of Harry Markopolos and his team of investigator's ten-year struggle to expose the harrowing truth behind the infamous Madoff scandal.

Category Movies

Checkout is the powerful, easy to use point of sale system for the Mac. Use Checkout to take orders, make sales, print invoices and accept payments. Together with a Mac and the right peripherals, Checkout offers a perfect retail solution. The greatest ...

Category Software
City Park, ,

The City Park is a public park close to the centre of Budapest, Hungary. It is a 0.9-by-0.6-mile rectangle, with an area of 302 acres, located in District XIV of Budapest.

Category Budapest

A self-styled Sherlock Holmes leads an unlikely team of irregulars in this charming comic mystery from indie auteur Aaron Katz. After abandoning a promising academic career in forensic science, aimless Doug (Cris Lankenau) returns to Portland to live ...

Category Movies

Climate catastrophe? The end of civilization as we know it? 'Cool It' is based upon the book of the same name and lectures by Bjorn Lomborg, the controversial author of The Skeptical Environmentalist.

Category Movies


Maiores architecto animi eveniet in veniam consequat Aute voluptates nihil. At quis risus sed vulputate odio ut enim. Consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant.

Category Computers
0 reviews

Transformed into a vampire and entombed for 200 years after betraying vengeful witch Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green), 18th century fishing magnate Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) returns to Collinwood Manor in 1972, only to find his once proud estate ...

Category Movies
0 reviews

Writer/director Boaz Yakin explores the burdens carried by the descendants of those who survived with this family drama about a woman (Jacqueline Bisset) who managed to live through her harrowing stint in a Nazi concentration camp, and her two ...

Category Movies

A woman who achieves stardom against all odds uses her celebrity to make a difference in the land she left behind in this drama based on a true story. Waris Dirie (Liya Kebede) was born in Somalia, where she was one of a dozen children raised by a ...

Category Movies
0 reviews

His alii verear sensibus in, dicta contentiones ei est. Mei solet discere mediocritatem ea. Te quo luptatum principes. Tantas accusam dignissim id vis. Quo no iisque efficiantur, in duis persius eum, vis noluisse consetetur cu. Ex assentior signiferumque ...

Category Models

Based on the novel by author Jonathan Safran Foer, director Stephen Daldry's post-9/11 drama follows the journey of a nine-year-old boy as he attempts to solve a family mystery.

Category Movies
Face Paint

Eum odio in dolor et omnis deserunt eligendi aut provident commodi consectetur molestiae consequuntur dolore praesentium numquam aperiam nihil est. Pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui. Ac tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus nulla at vo ...

Category Arts
Factory Lot

Vestibulum arcu leo, adipiscing et, condimentum ac, malesuada sed, magna. Donec sed neque nec velit tincidunt tincidunt. Vivamus enim eros, laoreet non, nonummy et, ornare in, leo. Curabitur nec libero et ipsum venenatis volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas ...

Category Lands